파트너 솔루션


PAYMOBI는 혁신적인 기술로 개발된 핀테크로서, 삼성 Knox Guard 솔루션을 통해 신용 기록이 없는 사람도 소비자 시장에 접근할 수 있도록 합니다. 은행이나 소매 금융 회사는 이 신용에 대한 실제 보증으로 스마트폰을 사용하여 신용을 부여할 수 있습니다.

솔루션 정보
솔루션 카테고리: 기업용 모빌리티 관리
지원되는 디바이스 유형: Smartphone, Tablet
판매 지역: 남아메리카


Our main objective is offer to financial market companies a safer end to end credit process.


Higher Profitability:

Interest rates appropriate to the risk since we provide a safer way for this customer to have access to a line of credit that he did not have.


Credit Process Improvement:

Possibility of building a potential customer's portfolio to explore new ways of credit.


Our platform offers several features to reduce default and increase credit granted by financial companies:

  • Possibility of deployment in online and off- line channels
  • Plug and Play solution
  • Easy installation on the device and transparent to the customer
  • Possibility for finance companies to grant new credit
  • Reduction in delinquency
  • Increase in credit granting
  • Does not change the existing sales and credit process

주요 기능

  • Welcome message
  • Configuration of automatic notifications
  • Creation of a blink reminder on the device that can be programmed to appear in a pop-up on the device with the specified time in seconds
  • Locking the equipment with a full-screen warning that the device is locked due to lack of payment
  • Unlocking the equipment in seconds after sending the command

삼성 차별화 요소

For Samsung devices we seemless implement all native Samsung Knox Guard APIs what makes our solution possible to send messages, blink reminder and lock devices remotely.