파트너 솔루션

Cryptosmart by Ercom

Cryptosmart by Ercom은 Knox와 함께 최신 삼성 디바이스에 적용된 정부 수준의 보안을 통해 커뮤니케이션 및 음성, SMS, 데이터뿐 아니라 디바이스 자체의 보안을 유지하는 가장 안전한 방법입니다.

솔루션 정보
솔루션 카테고리: 협업/생산성
지원되는 디바이스 유형: Smartphone, Tablet
판매 지역: 전 지역
영업 팀에 문의: sales_cybersec_web@ercom.fr


The Cryptosmart solution has been developed by ERCOM to meet the growing security challenges of the most demanding remote work situations (mobility, nomadism, etc.). For several years now, the level of threats has been increasing exponentially: lost or stolen terminals, interception of data or communications, remote intrusion on mobile terminals via network attacks, intrusion into the company's IS.
The collaboration between Ercom and Samsung allows us to provide a solution at the Restricted level for France - ANSSI, i.e. the EU Restricted or NATO Restricted level.

주요 기능

  • Mutual strong authentication of parties during voice exchanges between mobile devices,
  • Voice and SMS encryption between mobile devices,
  • Strong authentication of flows between mobile devices and the central site (gateway),
  • Encryption of data flows between mobile terminals and the central site.

This unique solution makes security homogeneous for the IS of the company or the entity. The security is based on the following components:

  • At the mobile terminal level: security software and smart card in SIM format (CyberSIM by Ercom) to ensure strong security (Cryptosmart-Mobile Suite),
  • At the central level: a gateway to manage voice and data communications and interconnect with the customer's existing telephone infrastructure (Cryptosmart-Gateway),
  • At the central level: administration station for the creation and management of smart cards (Cryptosmart-CardManager).

삼성 차별화 요소

  • Homogeneous and consistent solution (global security and operation on PCs and mobile devices).
  • Transparency of use of the solution (the user does not change his habits).
  • User's strong authentication with a Common Criteria EAL4+ certified smart card (CyberSIM by Ercom)
  • Independence from the operator (works in the vast majority of countries). Ease/simplicity of deployment.