Partner solution


Ermetix combines UEM to manage and control mobile devices and MTD to protect against cyber threats

Solution info
Solution category: Enterprise mobility management
Supported device types: Smartphone, Tablet
Sales region: Global
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Ermetix combines UEM (Unified Endpoint Management) and MTD (Mobile Threat Defense).UEM stands for Unified Endpoint Management and, in Ermetix software, it helps CTOs in managing multiple devices with different operating systems from a single administration panel.

UEM not only allows remote device management with zero-touch deployment, massive apps, and content distribution, dividing working mode from personal one and, thanks to the kiosk mode, giving the chance to block a single or more device; but it also gives to the administrator the ability to set methods and usage rules for a group of devices checking, at the same time, their status.

Due to Knox integration, Ermetix UEM offers advanced features and security on Samsung devices.

For what regards MTD, Mobile Threat Defense, Ermetix offers a broad range of tools designed to protect devices from external threats while monitoring how they are used.

Furthermore, Ermetix detects intrusions and viruses since it monitors runtime permissions, camera, cand ontacts of both the device and the apps.

Key features

Remote Device Management

Zero-Touch deployment

App Management

Cross platform solution

Device and apps protection

Samsung differentiators

Support for Knox Mobile Enrollment

Support for KPE/KSP

Support for Knox Attestation

Remote screen control

SIM / APN management