May 5, 2022

Upcoming changes to Knox products in May 2022

Samsung Knox team


This release is rescheduled from May 18, 2022 to May 25, 2022 PDT.

The next Knox cloud service release is scheduled for May 25, 2022, PDT. This release is expected to include new product features and changes that aim to improve product usability in the Knox ecosystem. During the release process, the Knox dashboard and the Knox Admin Portal will continue to be available.

Keep in mind that these pre-release notes include future feature commitments and other information that might change leading up to the actual release.


Expected changes to common services

The following table summarizes the key changes that will affect the entire Knox ecosystem.


Service Changes
Knox Admin Portal
  • Knox Remote Support — Make Knox Remote Support available on all Knox cloud services. Allow IT admins to remotely connect to any user's device to help troubleshoot with a valid trial or commercial Knox Suite license.
  • Consolidated Licenses menu — Combine the Knox Suite, Knox Manage, Knox E-FOTA, Knox Asset Intelligence, Knox Configure, and Samsung Care+ for Business license menus into one license page. Add, manage, and delete your Knox cloud service license keys on a single convenient page.


Expected changes to Knox products

The following table summarizes the key changes to Knox products that will go live with the upcoming release.


Service Changes
Knox Mobile Enrollment
  • Knox Asset Intelligence installation support — Automatically install and activate the Knox Asset Intelligence agent for devices as needed during the out-of-box experience (OOBE) workflow.
  • DualDAR compatibility check — Stop the enrollment process and show an error message if a profile with DualDAR is assigned to an unsupported device.
  • Updates to bulk action names
    • Bulk Configure is now Assign User Credentials and Profile.
    • Bulk Assignment is now Upload User Credentials.
  • Support for Device Max, Pro MDM, and Wizzy EMM — Select from 3 new EMMs — Device Max, Pro MDM, and Wizzy EMM — when you create a new Android Enterprise profile.
Knox Manage
  • Android minimum version — As of March 2022, support Android 6 and higher and remove support for Android 5 and lower.
  • TLS deprecation — Deprecate TLS 1.0 and 1.0 in compliance with Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards. To keep enrollment continuity, devices running older versions of Android should be upgraded to Android 6 or higher by the time of the 22.08 release.
  • Enhancement of Account Blocklist policy for Android — Permit restricting accounts by an allowlist.
  • Automatic Wi-Fi connection for Android — Add an Automatic Connection setting to Wi-Fi configurations in an Android profile to make assigned devices connect to the access point by default.
  • Day & time event type for AMAPI profiles — Support the Day & Time event in Android Management API (AMAPI) profiles.
  • App improvements for Chrome OS kiosks
    • Add the ability to view all kiosk apps available for Chrome OS devices on a new Kiosk Application tab on the Organization Detail page.
    • On this new tab, allow you to set the default app that your kiosks open.
  • iOS policy additions
    • System:
      • Force on device only dictation (Siri)
      • Force on device only translation (Siri)
      • Wrist detection on Apple watch
      • Apple personalized advertising
      • Wallpaper modification
      • Notification modification
      • New device proximity setup
      • Unpaired external boot to recovery
    • Interface > NFC
    • Share > Managed pasteboard
    • Security > Auto unlock with Apple watch
    • Phone > Cellular plan modification
  • Kiosk bookmark improvements — Allow home screen bookmarks to be opened by web browsers like Google Chrome and Samsung Internet.
  • Improvements to client app installation through OOBE — Prevent unwanted device enrollments by restricting OOBE to only install the client app if all three conditions are met — a valid license is available, the device was uploaded by a reseller, and the device is assigned to an active campaign.
  • Firmware trend graph — Allow you to view a firmware trend graph of how many devices are on which firmware, grouped by security patches over the past 8 weeks.
  • Manual firmware installation improvements — Allow device users to manually install firmware updates at any time, even at times outside the firmware installation period.
  • Start and end dates in campaign information — Add the ability to view the precise time of day for a campaign's start and end date.
Knox Asset Intelligence
  • Dashboard redesign
    • Redesign the dashboard to help you access relevant device insights more quickly. Under Dashboard in the navigation pane, separate the network, app, and battery insights into individual module pages.
    • Feature more granular configuration options for your dashboard.
    • Allow you to select which widgets appear on the main dashboard, and drag and drop them to change their order.
    • Display information based on the device's system time.
  • Event threshold additions — Expand event thresholds to include Wi-Fi disconnection and battery events. Allow you to see Wi-Fi disconnection events by BSSIDs, groups, and devices above a certain number of events, as well as set the battery consumption percentage to trigger a battery drain event or low battery event once exceeded.
  • Support for work shift configurations — Provide the ability to set work shift policies in the dashboard settings. Let work shifts be defined by a set time range based on the device's system time, or by detecting Wi-Fi connection events to allowlisted SSIDs.
  • Enhancements to app insights — See which apps have the highest Wi-Fi or mobile network usage.
  • Enhancements to Wi-Fi disconnection insights — Show groups and BSSIDs that reported the highest number of Wi-Fi disconnection events. Log recurring disconnection events that make up more than 10% of all reported events for that time period, and provide detailed info about each disconnection event.
  • Enhancements to battery insights
    • Add new data points to check battery levels at the start and end of each work shift, as well as critical battery drain events. Allow for the percentage threshold for low battery and critical drain events to be configured in the dashboard settings.
    • Add miniature insight charts that provide an at-a-glance view of various battery events and can be added to your dashboard.
  • Improvements to enrollment experience
    • Standardize the enrollment experience so that enrollment can start immediately even if location permissions aren't granted on the device.
    • Enhance the enrollment process by supporting out-of-box experience (OOBE), which allows users to automatically deploy Knox Asset Intelligence to devices without requiring user interaction.
Knox Configure
  • Knox Configure Routines — Scheduled lock — Add a new automated action that locks a device (Then action), triggered by a specific time period (If condition).
  • Cover screen support for Samsung Galaxy Z Fold series
    • Add the option to set Home and Lock screen wallpapers for your Cover and Internal screens.
    • Allow you to select a grid layout and add apps, widgets, and content as shortcuts to your Cover and Internal screens.
  • Samsung Keyboard settings restriction — Prevent device users from accessing their Samsung Keyboard settings and keyboard toolbar items in Setup and Dynamic profiles.
  • Tags to organize Enterprise Edition devices — Add the ability to auto-tag devices and differentiate between old and new Enterprise Edition (EE) devices.
Knox Guard
  • Options for Relock reminder configuration — Add the ability to select granular settings for relock reminders. Make the support phone number optional, and add the option to launch a support app.
  • SIM control policy enhancement — Enable devices with a dual SIM card configuration to use restricted features as long as one of the SIM cards is allowed. If both SIM cards are blocked, restrict them according to the applied SIM control policy.
  • Bulk query for detailed information — Allow you to search for devices in bulk and get the device information of each IMEI or serial number at once. Make the device information downloadable as a CSV file.
  • SIM control API improvements — Adjust the GET /kcs/v1.1/kg/policy/simControlData and PUT /kcs/v1.1/policy/simControlData methods to be consistent with the information about the customer's device that is provided by the Knox Guard console.



Expected changes to Knox Deployment Program

The following table summarizes the key changes to Knox Deployment Program that will go live with the upcoming release.


Service Changes
Knox Deployment Program
  • Sold-to-code management for resellers — Enable resellers with more than one sold-to-code (STC) to register multiple codes to an account. During device upload, allow resellers to select an STC from the registered list of STCs.



Expected changes to Knox MSP Program

The following table summarizes the key changes to Knox MSP Program that will go live with the upcoming release.


Service Changes
Knox MSP Program
  • Removal of Samsung Knox account registration for fully managed customers — Grant more complete control over customer accounts to MSPs by disabling Samsung Knox account registration for fully managed customers.
  • Notification center — Notify MSPs of important events such as added customers or license registration failures and allow MSPs to take action if needed.
  • Updates to the customer table — Allow you to:
    • View whether a customer is jointly managed or fully managed.
    • Filter customers by the status of their Knox cloud services.
    • Filter customers by their managed Knox cloud services.
  • Improvements to activity log — Display when the MSP moves devices to a customer in the activity log.