August 26, 2017

Support for Google Device Owner (DO)

Samsung Knox News

Google Device Owner (DO) support

A device owner (DO) is a privilege assigned to an EMM or similar application to apply policies and restrictions to a device during setup.

Currently there is no way to streamline out of box provisioning for a Google DO. Google’s NFC or QR code techniques can be used with some success, but are not optimized for automatic out of box provisioning for B2B.

However, with Samsung’s DS 1.3 release, IT admins and end users can now use Knox Mobile Enrollment (KME) to create an EMM profile and define themselves as a DO on devices running Knox 2.8 or later. This functionality is limited to just AirWatch and MobileIron currently, but Samsung anticipates additional EMM partners will follow suit in short order.

For more information on using KME to set Google DO support, go to the Knox Mobile Enrollment Getting Started Guide and navigate to the Google device owner support (Beta) topic under its parent Profile configuration topic.