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Stay connected, protected, and productive.

Discover the Knox security platform and business solutions

What Knox can do
for you

[Icon] Secured by Knox
Secured by Knox

Most Samsung devices are Secured by Knox

Secured by Knox

At every layer of Samsung Galaxy devices, Knox ensures that confidential and sensitive data stays safe, no matter where your life takes you. Your entire device: safeguarded from the inside out, and in real time. This is protection you can be sure of.


Enterprise Device Management

Knox Suite is an all-in-one solution designed to manage and secure work devices. Optimized for Samsung Galaxy, it streamlines every step of the mobile journey for IT admins – from setup to use and management.


Rebranding and Customization

With Samsung Knox, any off-the-shelf Samsung devices can turn into a special edition, or the unique tool for your business. Transform devices and fulfill use cases such as media-bundled tablets, interactive store kiosks and more – all without opening the box.


Fraud and Theft Protection

Guard your company’s device payment plans and maintain control of mobile device assets outside your reach. Knox allows carriers, insurance firms, or any businesses to remotely protect Samsung devices against financial risk.


What Knox can do
for you

[Icon] Secured by Knox
Secured by Knox

Most Samsung devices are Secured by Knox

[Icon] Enterprise Device Management
Enterprise Device Management

Manage devices for work

[Icon] Rebranding and Customization
Rebranding and Customization

Tailor Samsung devices to your needs

[Icon] Fraud and Theft Protection
Fraud and Theft Protection

Safeguards for businesses with device financing plans

Secured by Knox

At every layer of Samsung Galaxy devices, Knox ensures that confidential and sensitive data stays safe, no matter where your life takes you. Your entire device: safeguarded from the inside out, and in real time. This is protection you can be sure of.


Enterprise Device Management

Knox Suite is an all-in-one solution designed to manage and secure work devices. Optimized for Samsung Galaxy, it streamlines every step of the mobile journey for IT admins – from setup to use and management.


Rebranding and Customization

With Samsung Knox, any off-the-shelf Samsung devices can turn into a special edition, or the unique tool for your business. Transform devices and fulfill use cases such as media-bundled tablets, interactive store kiosks and more – all without opening the box.


Fraud and Theft Protection

Guard your company’s device payment plans and maintain control of mobile device assets outside your reach. Knox allows carriers, insurance firms, or any businesses to remotely protect Samsung devices against financial risk.


Success stories

Knox has helped over 20,000 businesses in 100+ countries achieve their goals

What do you need?

We can help you find the right Samsung Knox products and services for your needs

Get started with Knox today