Juni 7, 2023

Upcoming changes to Knox products in June 2023 and User Acceptance Testing

Samsung Knox team
 Oberes Bild

The next Knox cloud services release is scheduled for June 21st, 2023, PDT. This release will include new product features and changes that aim to improve product usability in the Knox ecosystem. During the release deployment, SamsungKnox.com and each of the product consoles will continue to be available.

We’re excited to announce that the new features and changes are available now for testing in the User Acceptance Testing (UAT) environment. As part of the Knox cloud services 23.06 deployment, the UAT environment provides a preview of the upcoming changes to the Knox Admin Portal and participating services. You can access the environment by creating a Knox account for UAT.

If you want to learn more about these upcoming changes in detail, we encourage you to view the UAT release notes.