Juli 19, 2024

Solve work device problems with Knox Suite

Samsung Knox team
 Oberes Bild

Two things are consistent across IT teams – troubleshooting and time. Every IT admin has at least one task they need to troubleshoot, and time is everything for these tasks.  When vulnerabilities arise or business-critical devices go down, employees are left unable to process sales, scan items, or access their productivity tools. The sooner IT finds a fix, the more time and money they save for their organization. 

IT administrators will spend an enormous amount of time reacting, fixing bugs and devices so that the wider business isn’t disrupted via remote IT support software. This comes at the expense of the work they could be doing proactively. 

Enterprises that spend time on proactive fleet analysis can unveil problems before they become disruptive, or unearth opportunities for big boosts to efficiency. They’re saving precious time in either outcome. 

Without a solution like Knox Suite to help maintain oversight on a fleet of devices, there won’t be enough time for admins to help the 8 out of 10 frontline workers that experience problems with a work app or device at least once a month. 

Let’s explore how Knox Suite can help IT admins beat the clock by enabling more efficient oversight of device fleets and faster troubleshooting in two use cases: employees reporting a problem with their work device, IT admins preemptively monitoring and resolving any work app issues before they disrupt an employee’s workflow. 

1. Knox Suite helps admins spot work app issues before they arrive


Key Benefits:

  •  Identify which apps cause the most issues at a glance
  • Save time on troubleshooting with instant access to debug logs


Identify work app issues at a glance

Knox Suite takes crucial diagnostic information from work devices and apps and lays it all bare in crystal-clear dashboards. These are packed with information on app events which makes spotting trends and problematic apps effortless:

Take non-responsive apps, for example. Knox Suite takes note of instances an app doesn't respond or behaves abnormally. Knox Suite then takes all this recorded data and presents it in an easy-to-scan dashboard, with easily digestible charts and tables showing the app's names, affected versions, and call stack  of the issue events.

Access to this information makes a world of a difference for IT teams. This breakdown helps them identify the exact app version that’s causing issues.

The chart also allows them to see trends. What device users may identify as intermittent malfunctions, or even just a bad day, IT admins see as a pattern of irregular behavior, and they can act even before it's escalated. By finding and fixing problems before they spread or grow in scale, IT teams can greatly reduce any major disruptions to employee workflows.


Obtain debug logs for app issues instantly

IT teams that want more detailed information to pinpoint exact data points can utilize Knox Suite's scheduled device snapshot feature. This functionality allows them to automatically collect logs whenever a specific condition occurs on the device, enabling them to home in on specific issues ranging from apps constantly crashing to a device's battery draining too quickly.

By utilizing this capability, IT admins can streamline their workflow, gaining automatic access to the necessary logs when a device experiences a problem. This saves valuable time, eliminating the need for manual log collection and investigation. With the ability to easily pinpoint and address problems before they escalate, IT teams can effectively minimize disruptions to employee workflows.


Clear information unlocks faster troubleshooting, too

Admins can prevent a lot of problems when they have all this diagnostic information at their fingertips… but not all of them. Human error at the scale of a modern enterprise means devices are always being broken in brand new ways, and admins must be ready to fix them. 

Any number of factors could be at fault when something goes wrong. To find a fix, an admin will first have to check it themselves to diagnose the problem and rule out possible causes.

Each one of these calls takes crucial time, even if the admin already has a good idea of what the issue is and how to fix it. 

Let’s explore the second of these two synergistic use cases, where we’ll learn how Knox Suite can take the tedium out of troubleshooting apps and devices:

2. Knox Suite enables real-time, remote troubleshooting


Key Benefits: 

  • Take immediate support action on malfunctioning devices, wherever they might be
  • IT admins have full control because Remote Support emulates the physical buttons of devices, giving them the capability to troubleshoot without depending on device users

Let’s say a worker out in the field encounters a critical issue with a work device they rely on. They can’t get back to work until their work device is up and running again and their nearest IT admin could be days away. 

So, the ability to troubleshoot and even manipulate a device remotely could save a company dozens of work hours every time it’s used. At the scale of an enterprise, remote IT support software is needed a lot

Knox Suite is equipped with an intuitive, remote IT support software that makes it easier for IT admins to troubleshoot devices as issues arise, putting them virtually hands-on with distant devices in need of a fix

Connecting to a device from a PC is as easy as selecting it from a list in a cloud console:

Employees don’t need to put their productivity on pause to get their device fixed. Instead of bringing it into the office or mailing it for repairs, IT admins can remotely access devices. Knox Suite’s powerful remote IT support software emulates physical keys, allowing IT admins to use important controls like Home, Power, and volume. 

The Remote Support viewer also supports easy and seamless file sharing between devices and PCs. IT admins can drag and drop files, making it easier for them to receive log files from problematic devices to analyze them.

Furthermore, IT teams can track which IT admin was responsible for supporting a certain device by checking the remote support history. Information about which admin performed remote support for a device, the device itself, the start and end times for remote support sessions, and the number of file transfers and screen captures are logged. 

Knox Suite allows admins to fix many more devices in much less time. When urgent, work-stopping issues do occur, employees can be up and running again in minutes, not days.   


Simplify troubleshooting by managing OS and APP versions with Knox Suite

Enterprise IT admins don’t have the time to solve every problem in a one-on-one session, which is why Knox Suite offers a comprehensive solution designed to reduce the scale of enterprise mobility challenges.

As we’ve learned, admins equipped with Knox Suite can view insights into the OS and app versions causing the most problems in a device fleet. Version management is a fierce time sink when it’s not being tightly controlled, and when OS or app versions are out of date for too long they start to pose serious risks. 

Knox Suite makes it easier to keep OS versions up-to-date in the first place by managing version compliance. A botched version rollout can cause more problems than it fixes, so Knox Suite also makes it possible to test updates on control groups first. When it’s time to push an update out to the wider company, you can do it without disrupting work by scheduling the update outside of work hours.

App version headaches can also be a thing of the past, as IT admins can simply roll app updates out to device groups. Outdated apps pose outsized security risks. The quicker they can be resolved, the faster your business data can be secured. 


Knox Suite lets admins do hours of work in seconds

Whether an organization needs employees to be free from device issues or desires more proactive fleet oversight to stop said issues preemptively, Knox Suite can make it happen by making remote support and analysis more efficient for IT admins, giving them back valuable time.

Speaking of time—here’s a 90 day free trial of Knox Suite, so you can see the difference it makes for yourself. What could your IT teams do with more spare time?