Januar 26, 2022

Policy update on Knox supported versions

Samsung Knox team

From March 16th 2022, Knox products will undergo a policy update on supported device OS versions. Per this update, Knox products will cease to support legacy Android versions – focusing support only for the last five major Android versions. The policy update will be applied on a yearly basis for consistency. On every first major release in the year, support from the oldest version will no longer be available. (In 2023, it will be Android 8.0.)


With this, we commit to:

  1. Maintain the best-in-class product quality by focusing our resources on the versions that the majority of our customers use
  2. Enhance the security of Knox products by restricting the supported versions to the recent ones that have valid security patches from OS or hardware



There will be no sudden block in using Knox on devices running older versions of Android. You may continue to use Knox products on such devices, but support for any issues will no longer be available. For security and performance, we recommend upgrading your Android devices to meet the minimum supported version requirements.


Updates on supported versions:

Knox products and their minimum supported versions will be updated as below. We expect more products to follow suit, and Knox products to have the same minimum supported version for seamless operation.


Minimum supported version


From March 16th

Knox Manage*

Android 5.0.1 (Knox 2.4)

Android 6.0 (Knox 2.6)

Knox Mobile Enrollment

Android 6.0 (Knox 2.6)

Android 8.0 (Knox 3.0)


Android 7.0 (Knox 2.7.1)

Knox Configure

Android 7.0 (Knox 2.7.1)

Knox Deployment app

Android 7.1 (Knox 2.8)


* Knox Manage currently supports eight major Android versions (5-12). To avoid dramatic changes, Knox Manage will take two more years to follow the new policy – targeting to have the same minimum supported version by 2024.