Februar 20, 2020

Notice on Knox Manage trial policy update

Samsung Knox team

Knox Manage is Samsung’s cloud-based EMM/MDM solution that allows IT admins to manage Android, iOS or Windows 10 devices, and provides an optimal user experience for Samsung Galaxy devices with the Samsung Knox security platform (Secured by Knox).

To date, any registered IT admins have been able to sign up for Knox Manage through SamsungKnox.com, and get a free trial license to test its full features, including:

  • Event-based management
  • Device location tracking
  • Restriction to work apps
  • Real-time device monitoring

The free trial process will be revamped in the near future to ensure enterprise IT admins can try out Knox Manage while maintaining close contact with our sales teams. Trial licenses will continue to be offered for free.

In the meantime, the current trial license issuance process on SamsungKnox.com for Knox Manage will go under maintenance.

Should you wish to start a Knox Manage trial, please contact your local sales team.