November 30, 2023

Knox Release Highlights - November 2023

Samsung Knox team
 Oberes Bild


  • Knox Service Plugin 23.11 released on November 2nd, 2023.

Product updates

Knox Service Plugin


The major changes of this release include:

  • App version 1.4.32 (latest)
  • Disabling of Allow data roaming policy

View the full release notes.

November 2nd, 2023


Notable articles/videos

Knox cloud services

UAT environment to test Knox cloud services 23.12 updates and features

We'd like to announce a dedicated User Acceptance Testing (UAT) environment for Knox cloud services, which will provide you with early access to Knox cloud service 23.12 release features and updates through the Knox Admin Portal.

Knox for Business

Remote device management: Scaling your business for the hybrid world

Remote device management is an essential capability for any successful enterprise. Remote workers are now using devices owned and maintained by their employees in their homes (or their nearest cafes) more than ever before. Remote device management is all about keeping staff efficient and connected in these new remote-first business environments.