März 31, 2022

Knox Release Highlights - March 2022

Samsung Knox team

We are excited to share the past month's release highlights, upcoming releases and features, and content highlights of March 2022.


Release highlights

  1. [KE] Knox E-FOTA (KSC 22.03) released on Mar. 26, 2022.
  2. [KC] Knox Configure (KSC 22.03) released on Mar. 26, 2022.
  3. [KME] Knox Mobile Enrollment (KSC 22.03) released on Mar. 26, 2022.
  4. [MSP] Knox Manage Service Provider (KSC 22.03) released on Mar. 26, 2022.
  5. [KG] Knox Guard (KSC 22.03) released on Mar. 26, 2022.
  6. [KDP] Knox Deployment Program (KSC 22.03) released on Mar. 26, 2022.
  7. [Knox Admin Portal] Knox Admin Portal (KSC 22.03) released on Mar. 26, 2022.
  8. [KAI] Knox Asset Intelligence (KSC 22.03) released on Mar. 26, 2022.
  9. [KM] Knox Manage (KSC 22.03) released on Mar. 26, 2022.
  10. [Samsung Care+ for Business] Samsung Care+ for Business (KSC 22.03) released on Mar. 26, 2022.


Upcoming releases and features

Knox Product



Release Date

Knox E-FOTA One

KCS 22.03

The major features of this release include:

  • Role customization - ability to create, edit and delete role specific permissions - so now custom roles can be assigned to admin
  • Device log refresh - new refresh button allows to refresh device log without closing and opening again a page to see a result
  • License auto-assignment - device assigned to a license that expires in two days are automatically reassigned another license. There is no need to manually assign a license to each device or replace licenses that expire soon

Full Release Notes available here

Mar. 26, 2022

Knox Configure

KCS 22.03

The major features of this release include:

  • Knox Configure Accessories
  • Samsung Kids configuration support for Android 12
  • Knox Configure Routines expansion
  • Changes to maximum digits of Custom IDs
  • Ability to hide Always On Display on Quick Panel
  • Warning codes for missing required apps
  • Battery setting for Android 12 phones

Full Release Notes available here

Mar. 26, 2022

Knox Mobile Enrollment

KCS 22.03

The major features of this release include:

  • Expansion of DualDAR compatibility - support full management mode
  • Changes to enrollment of company-owned devices with a work profile

Full Release Notes available here

Mar. 26, 2022

Knox MSP

KCS 22.03

The major features of this release include:

  • Central control of device assignments
  • Revised Knox MSP Program T&Cs
  • Support information can be updated
  • Knox Platform for Enterprise license generation
  • Knox Manage tenant creation
  • Updates to UI when onboarding customers
  • >What’s new< popup on Knox MSP

Full Release Notes available here

Mar. 26, 2022

Knox Deployment Program/Reseller portal

KCS 22.03

The major features of this release include:

  • Multi-tenant device upload
  • Direct device upload using MSP IDFull

Release Notes available here

Mar. 26, 2022

Knox Asset Intelligence

KCS 22.03

The major features of this release include:

  • Device Grouping Feature: For organizations that use Workspace ONE to managing a large number of devices, Knox Asset Intelligence now offers a device grouping feature. This helps focus on devices assigned to a particular location. Currently, there are two ways to group devices:
    • Using existing group IDs from VMware Workspace ONE
    • Uploading a CSV file that contains device IDs and device group names
    On the dashboard, you can search for a device group to filter data by that group. Both EMM groups and groups uploaded through a CSV file are supported.
  • Managed app lists: Knox Asset Intelligence now has an option for you to create managed app lists to filter which apps you want to see insights from. Once you apply a managed app list, the APP USAGE, APP NO RESPONSE, FORCE CLOSE, and ABNORMAL EVENTS dashboard modules can be filtered to only show data from apps in the list. You can do so by selecting Managed in the Apps dropdown. If needed, you can also switch between filters to see insights from unmanaged apps.
  • Improvements to app usage insights: Previously, the app usage chart showed the average running time of apps on devices, causing apps with low installation rates but unexpectedly high usage to be overrepresented and appear on top. The app usage chart now shows total app run time across the devices. This change allows for a more representative view of which apps are frequently used.
  • Issue report dashboard settings: Knox Asset Intelligence can send an email alert once a certain percentage of devices report app or Wi-Fi-related events. You can customize the minimum size of the device group and the thresholds at which alerts are triggered.
  • Updates to device enrollment flow: To encourage smooth device onboarding, the Knox Asset Intelligence enrollment flow has been updated for Company-owned devices with a work profile. Call permissions and location permissions are no longer required to complete enrollment, and location permissions can be optionally granted afterwards.
  • Consolidated device info view: Knox Asset Intelligence now supports a unified device view in the Knox Admin Portal. If a device is enrolled in multiple Knox cloud services, enter its IMEI/MEID in the top search bar to view info about it across all the services it’s enrolled in. You can also access this device view from the Devices page. To do so, click on a device. Then, in the device details panel, click View unified device info to go to the Device information page on the Knox Admin Portal.
  • Integrated administrators and roles menu: Knox Asset Intelligence introduces a new Administrators & Roles page in the left navigation bar. This page allows super admins to view, invite, and manage secondary admins for all Knox cloud services that your organization uses, including Knox Asset Intelligence.

Full Release Notes available here

Mar. 26, 2022

Knox Manage

KSC 22.03

The major features of this release include:

  • Samsung Cloud Connector client update notice
  • Forced passwords during enrollment for company-owned Android devices with a Work Profile
  • Access point name policies for Android devices
  • Custom wallpaper policy for Android devices
  • Android Management API for devices with Work Profiles
  • Managed Google Play app auto-update modes
  • App management delegation for Android devices
  • Updated interface for Managed Google Play configurations
  • Feedback sync and alerts for Managed Google Play apps
  • Installation request priority for Android apps
  • Configurable content download locations for Android devices
  • Font scale and zoom policies for Knox Browser on Android devices
  • General availability of Chromebook management
  • Support for Shared iPad
  • Support for Windows 11
  • Sign-in options policy for Windows devices
  • Knox cloud service integration improvements
  • Integration with Check Point Software Harmony Mobile
  • Invalid license protection for Knox Remote Support access
  • Flashlight device setting for Kiosk mode
  • Granular organization permission for admins
  • KM API updates
  • Support for device aliases

Full Release Notes available here

Mar. 26, 2022

Samsung Care+ for Business

KSC 22.03

The major features of this release include:

  • Claim status improvements
  • Skip T&C agreement process (Taiwan only)
  • View device status across all services
  • Common Administrator & Role access in Knox Admin Portal
  • Cancel device assignment with Active pending status

Full Release Notes available here

Mar. 26, 2022


Content highlights


How to enroll devices in Knox E-FOTA through reseller integration

This video shows the process of enrolling devices by registering a reseller in Knox E-FOTA.

Knox: How to enroll devices in Knox E-FOTA through reseller integration | Samsung - YouTube

[KME Direct]

Getting started with KME Direct

This video's purpose is to show you how to get started with Knox Mobile Enrollment (KME) Direct.

Knox: Getting started with KME Direct | Samsung - YouTube


 How to enroll devices through KDA or QR code scans


This video's purpose is to show you how to enroll devices in a Knox cloud service such as Knox Mobile Enrollment (KME) with the Knox Deployment App (KDA), or via QR code scans.

Knox: How to enroll devices through KDA or QR code scans | Samsung - YouTube

[Knox E-FOTA]

Knox E-FOTA on MDM will reach end of service soon – Start planning today for migrating to Knox E-FOTA One


Knox E-FOTA on MDM, one of our earlier E-FOTA line-ups, will reach end of service life on July 31, 2022 08:00 UTC as previously notified. The service will cease to provide its key features, such as new device enrollment or firmware management for already enrolled devices. For IT admins who have been utilizing the tight firmware controls with E-FOTA on MDM, we recommend planning for service continuity by decommissioning from E-FOTA on MDM service for your affected devices, and migrating to Knox E-FOTA One. 

Knox E-FOTA on MDM will reach end of service soon – Start planning today for migrating to Knox E-FOTA One | Samsung Knox