November 21, 2022

Knox Manage - Android Legacy (Device Admin) Deprecation

Samsung Knox team

As announced in May 2022, in accordance with Google’s deprecation of the Device Admin (DA) management, Samsung Knox Manage team have taken several steps of deprecation by renaming Device Admin as Android Legacy in 2018, and suspending new Device Admin enrollment of devices running Android 11 and above in 2020.

Starting early next year, with the release tentatively scheduled for March 2023, Knox Manage will no longer support Android Legacy (Device Admin) management. Any maintenance and technical support by Samsung including feature enhancements and bug fixes for Device Admin will no longer be provided. Therefore, we would like to kindly ask you to take this opportunity to start preparing for migration to Android Enterprise if you have existing device fleets enrolled in Knox Manage as Android Legacy.

For the time being, Android Legacy (Device Admin) enrollment in Knox Manage is technically available for devices running Android 10 or earlier version. However, we strongly recommend that you migrate to Android Enterprise, benefitting from its enhanced security and management features while avoiding the loss of functionality and technical support. See here for the migration guide from Android Legacy to Android Enterprise management.