Dezember 20, 2023

Knox Capture Scandit Edition will be retired: End-of-sale and end-of-life announcement

Samsung Knox team
 Oberes Bild

Knox Capture Scandit Edition will be phased out of Knox solutions: June 30th, 2024 will be your last day to place orders for Scandit Edition.

The complete end-of-sale timeline follows accordingly:

Table 1. End of life milestones




End-of-life announcement

Announcement of end-of-life of Knox Capture Scandit Edition.

December 31st, 2023



The last date to place orders for Knox Capture Scandit Edition. Not only new orders, but also quantity changes or renewals for existing subscriptions of Knox Capture Scandit Edition will no longer be available after this date.

June 30th, 2024

End of support

The last date to receive applicable services and support for Knox Capture Scandit Edition as entitled by active service contracts or by warranty terms and conditions. 

After this date, Knox Capture Scandit Edition will be decommissioned completely and therefore all product-specific support services will no longer be available.

February 28th, 2026

* Subject to change. 

** The requested subscription start date needs to be on or before the end-of-sale date for the new subscription, and on or before the end of change/renewal date for subscription changes and renewals. 


An even better user experience

Launched in December 2020, Knox Capture Scandit Edition has helped numerous enterprise customers enable barcode scanning functionalities in their businesses.

In an effort to deliver even more value to Knox Suite, we introduced a new implementation of Knox Capture utilizing Samsung’s built-in native scanning solution in March 2023.

By offering one enhanced version of Knox Capture solution, this end-of-sale transition allows us to provide a simplified product line-up to our valued customers.

We’ll continue investing in our strategic partnership with Scandit to deliver industry-leading scanning technology on Samsung devices to our customers. 


Help and support

Contact your local sales representative to learn more about the replacement options that may be available. Samsung will assist in your migration and ensure service continuity. If you have further questions, please feel free to contact us or learn more about Knox Capture’s capabilities